
Casa Rural Chocolat a SICTED destination Committed to Quality Tourism!

Sigüenza is a SICTED destination that already has 23 establishments and entities with the seal of distinction of Commitment to Quality Tourism and with great pride we can say that our Casa Rural Chocolat is one of them.

The SICTED distinction endorses our commitment to Tourism Quality.

On March 6, we have received from the hands of Maria Jesus Merino, Mayor of Sigüenza, Arantxa Perez Gil, Councillor for Tourism and Ana Rebollo, Head of Tourism Service of the Government of Castilla-La Mancha in Guadalajara,  the SICTED relaxation in the plenary hall of the town hall of Sigüenza.

receipt of SICTED distinctive

What does it mean to be a SICTED destination?

The Integral System of Spanish Tourism Quality in Destinations(SICTED) “is a project to improve the quality of tourist destinations promoted by the Secretary of State for Tourism (SETUR)”. It is based on a global understanding of the destination and the establishment of goals shared by all parties involved. 

The SCTE Destination-SICTED seeks to guarantee a consistent level of quality in the services provided to tourists within the same destination, so that no significant deficiencies in quality are perceived among the different products and services that make up the tourism offer in the destination. This helps to avoid negative impacts on the perception and satisfaction of the tourists.

SICTED seal and certificate at Casa Chocolat

The “Commitment to Quality in Tourism” Distinction accredits and recognizes the fulfillment of all the requirements established by this methodology, as well as the effort and commitment to quality and continuous improvement. The label is valid for two years and is subject to an annual follow-up evaluation.

Casa Chocolat celebrates and assumes this commitment.

In our rural house we are clear about our commitment as a SICTED destination, our quality implies striving to offer our guests an exceptional and satisfactory experience, this implies maintaining high standards of cleanliness, comfort and hospitality. It also involves promoting and preserving the local culture, giving guests the opportunity to immerse themselves in the authentic life of Imón and Sigüenza. 

In addition to establishing collaboration agreements with other establishments that allow us to create the necessary alliances to promote the region’s economy and provide a better service to the tourists who visit us, as well as to be attentive to the needs and desires of our guests in order to continuously improve the experience we offer them.

Today we celebrate this distinction with pride that not only rewards the effort behind the entire team of Casa Chocolat that works every day to make it possible, but also guarantees our cottage as a quality destination for the  satisfaction and positive feedback from our customers.


What the media say

La Tribuna de Guadalajara – March 2024

“The effort and confidence of Seguntinos entrepreneurs in this quality system, coupled with the fact that the municipality is also a Sicted destination, is already contributing to make Sigüenza a better and more attractive tourist destination. The program has been created to attract quality tourism, which equally seeks the high quality standards guaranteed by the implementation of the Sicted program.”

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Sigüenza City Council – March 2024

“SICTED is a methodology that provides a comprehensive and permanent system of quality management in a tourist destination with a new conception of the expected results, a focus on continuous improvement and an attitude of recovery and enhancement of resources and space. The project came to Sigüenza hand in hand with its Tourism Sustainability Plan, and is promoted by the Secretary of State for Tourism (SETUR) with the support of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP).”

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